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Sun Valley Board of Realtors Donates to Greenhorn Housing Project

DATE: September 15, 2022

CONTACT: Rich Bauer, Fire Chief, North Blaine County Fire District, 208-622-8234, or Jed Gray, Chair, North Blaine County Fire District, 208-622-4100,




At the North Blaine County Fire District’s open house and dedication of a new fire engine on September 14th, the Sun Valley Board of Realtors presented a $10,000 check for the Greenhorn Housing project. The project will provide much needed housing for firefighters and paramedics.

“We are thrilled to have the support of the Sun Valley Board of Realtors,” said Earl Engelmann, Commissioner of the North Blaine County Fire District. “This is a generous gift which will help immensely with our fundraising goals.”

Earl Engelmann, NBCFD Commissioner and Sun Valley Board of Realtors: Monica Hebert, Vice President, Pam Rheinschild, Director, Julie Cord, Director, Caroline Nutter, Association Executive, Jed Gray, Past President and Current NBCFD Chairman, Jeannie Kiel, Director, Sandra Caulkins.

Amid a housing crisis that has made it nearly impossible to find housing for emergency responders throughout the Wood River Valley, the North Blaine County Fire District is planning to install eight units of prefabricated housing and an eight-bay garage east of the Greenhorn Fire Station. The 2-acre parcel of land is secured through a lease with the Idaho Transportation Department at $1 per year for 50 years with an option to renew for an additional 45 years.

The first four units are expected to be delivered and ready for occupancy before the end of 2022 with the remaining four units ready by the summer of 2023.

“It is critical that our first responders live close by in order to be there quickly when we need them,” said Jed Gray, Chair of the North Blaine County Fire District.

The estimated total cost of the project is $3.2 million. The Fire District is currently seeking donations to match the $950,000 contributed by the City of Sun Valley, Blaine County, and the District itself and to reduce the debt needed to finance the purchase and installation of the prefabricated 840 sq. ft. homes. The more funds that are raised, the lower the rents will be for the first responders who will live there. Donations can be made through the Spur Community Foundation by credit card via, by check payable to “Spur Community Foundation,” with Greenhorn Housing noted on the memo field, and mailed to: PO Box 6184, Ketchum, ID 83340, or by ACH, wire, or public securities by calling Spur at 208-450-2600.

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